How to Get Hard Money Lenders to Say..."Yes!" (
Regardless of your Real Estate experience, personal financial credit score, or current income, I am going to show you how to maximize your chances of getting loans to fund your projects!
You will learn how to:
Find Hard or Private Money for all of your deals, in any economy!
Present your finances and past history/experience in the best way
Necessary Property Due Diligence giving your lender maximum comfort.
Investor buying formula giving your lender confidence.
Pick the best lender and projects to purchase.
Get Hard Money lenders to joint venture with you.
Get a Hard Money lender to pair you with a partner.
Establish credibility with any lender.
Write a formal Business Plan that your Hard Money lender will love
Find the best partner for you.
Raise capital in the most difficult borrowing environment.Robert Beckman, is Co-Owner of 360° Business Solutions, Inc. and President of Rehab Funding and General Partner of Rehab Investments, L.P., the company, founded in 1999, had been a leading national Hard Money Lender and construction loan company specifically organized to arrange funding for professional real estate investors, and contractors ("rehabbers"). Rehab Investments, L.P. had funded over 1500 loans totaling more than $80,000,000. Mr. Beckman was directly responsible for developing the programs, marketing, processing and underwriting criteria used to develop and practice Rehab Funding's business.
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By: Official REIA NYC
Title: REIA NYC- How to get hard money lenders to say yes
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