Free eBooks Book Profits Summit Is Coming!

Free eBooks Book Profits Summit Is Coming!

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Publish Date:
September 9, 2021
Hard Money
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FREE ONLINE EVENT | Sept 14 - 18, 2020

Discover how to increase the Income and Influence of your book using methods beyond royalties!

This event will bring together the best book income producers and influencers in the industry to teach you how to make more money and in FREE (for a limited time).

September 14, Monday @ 9:00 AM EST | 6:00 AM PST
**How to turn your book into a Digital Asset as a Udemy Course**

In this Book Profit School Masterclass Session, Scott Paton will show you not only the value of adding a masterclass based on your book to Udemy, but to leverage other instructors audiences to create your own!

Watch On YouTube