178 Can You Get A Hard Money Loan From Carolina Capital If You Are Self-Employed? |RE Investor Show!

178 Can You Get A Hard Money Loan From Carolina Capital If You Are Self-Employed? |RE Investor Show!

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Publish Date:
September 22, 2021
Hard Money
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Once again the Carolina Capital Management team together with Bill Fairman, Wendy Sweet, and Jonathan are here to give you useful information not only about real estate but also relevant news that is happening in the country (or even worldwide).

Plus the Ugly Question for this week on today’s Real Estate Investor Show - Hard Money for Real Estate Investors!

“Can You Get A Hard Money Loan From Carolina Capital If You Are Self-Employed? “

0:01 - Introduction: “ Housing Shortage, how did we get into this mess?
0:49 - https://www.CarolinaHardMoney.com
1:03 - Wednesday with Wendy: https://calendly.com/wendysweet/wednesdays-with-wendy
3:04 - Breaking News
3:30 - Unemployment claims continue to drop
6:05 - The Death of the Starter Home
8:04 - Are starter homes the same as affordable houses?
9:26 - Smaller homes are more in demand now in the real estate market
14:33 - What to expect in 2022?
19:46 - Are builders building the wrong house now?
21:12 - Ugly Question: “Can You Get A Hard Money Loan From Carolina Capital If You Are Self-Employed?”
25:31 - Next Show: Passive Accredited Investor Show with Tim Bratz, CEO of Legacy Wealth Holdings - https://youtu.be/8RlB_fLWBCs

Carolina Capital is a hard money lender serving the needs of the “Real Estate Investor” and the "Small Builder" borrower who is striving to build wealth and generate income for themselves and their families. We offer “hard money rehab loans” and "Ground-up Construction Loans" for investors only in NC, SC, GA, VA, and TN (some areas of FL, as well).

As part of our business practices, we also serve as consultants for investors guiding them to network with other investors and educating them in locating and structuring transactions. Rarely, if ever, will you find a hard money lender willing to invest in your success like Carolina Capital Management.

Listen to our Podcast: https://thealternativeinvestor.libsyn.com/
Visit our website: https://carolinahardmoney.com
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYzCFOvEt2n9TchgECLwpww/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CarolinaHardMoney/

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